Mother Nature doesn't like imitations - remediation doesn't usually work.
One good reason to avoid construction in planning school, (one example being University of Rhode Island program [c]} you learn if you see cattails, and appreciate natural solutions.  You learn about soil capability...

Paying twice for the project wasn't fun!
Wetlands remediation begins at Weston Middle School

Weston FORUM
Written by Kimberly Donnelly
Thursday, 19 July 2012 09:30

A $330,000 wetland remediation project behind Weston Middle School has begun...

The first part of the project, underway now, involves removing vegetation ("I sometimes joke that handling cattails is just one step below handling nuclear waste — it's so invasive, they have to be that careful with how they remove it and where it goes," Mr. Landry said.), and earth moving.

A second phase that will take place in late September/early October involves planting about 50 different kinds of new vegetation. Mr. Landry said they will plant nearly 3,000 individual plants in all. 

Between the engineering work that has to go into the project, the labor intensity involved with planting that many different plants, and the fact the town must pay the prevailing wage, "you begin to see why it costs so much," Mr. Landry said.


Army Corps of Engineers: 
what they received from Triton (cc. to Owners Rep), and sent back to, the Town of Weston (with minor changes);  four (4) examples of plans and one S&E detail shown below.

EXISTING CONDITIONS:  This is what is there now.

Special summer of 2004 camp and campus use:
Traffic entering School Road from Lord's Highway (L.) will not go past back entrance to WMS;  from the Weston Road side (R.), traffic will probably not be allowed much past B.O.E./Kinderland.  Provision for EMERGENCY ACCESS, OF COURSE, IS IN THIS PLAN.
THE PLAN:  This map show the three (3) existing buildings plus improvements and new "3-4-5 school"...

OVERALL PLAN:  There are separate detailed drawingsa of each activity having wetland impact

THIS IS HOW IT WORKS:  Less than an acre (above) of "activity" in wetlands requires 2.64 acres of "mitigation" for example...

This was an early part of the plan that aroused neighbors from Parade Ground Court and caused School Building Committee to revise early site plan. 

Source:  selected pages from Triton Environmental, Inc. report dated (covering letter) November 20, 2003.  And we report this to show the hoops you have to explore when making an impact on wetlands.